Thursday, October 31, 2019
Doctrines in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Doctrines in the US - Essay Example By now, the American foreign policy makers should have already adopted a unified doctrine that should be applied by subsequent US presidents. The reasons given below show why a unified doctrine is the best way forward for America: History exists to teach and those who do not take the lessons of history to heart are always bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. In the 19th century, America did not bother with the occurrences outside of their borders (Carp 259). During the Spanish-American war and indeed during the Roosevelt Corollary, the stance was largely maintained except it had a twist. Instead of America just minding its own business, it was going to act as a broker of regional power. Many historians considered the intention of America as a power broker as just an act of lip service. Action was finally taken by the then president Wilson who decided to commit American troops in the 1st World War and marked the first real intention that the country had the desire to take world affairs on its heels. However, even before there was a chance for the country to prove itself as a leader of world affairs, it instead retreated and chose to support a League of Nations. The next spur to action was occasioned the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in 1941, which signaled the entry of America into the world war. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945 was also a major wake up call which marked the end of American participation in World War II. The 2nd world war was the only time that America chose to act on the world stage and since then has worked vehemently in a bid to containing and eventually defeating communism. This brief history of the American action shows that the country had largely acted as a sole entity not wanting to be involved in world affairs. It was only after the attack on Pearl Harbor that the country realized that the isolationist stance was only going to hurt it in the long term. The advances in technology pose an eve n bigger threat to the security of the citizens of the United States as well as peace and stability on the international stage. The war on terrorism is going to be a long and protracted one aided by technology and religious sycophancy. The reluctance of the US to pursue the terrorist prior to the occurrences of 2001 was very costly for Americans. Therefore, there is need for one doctrine in order to avoid such occurrences from happening again in the future. The way that America conducts itself on the world stage in the name of fighting terrorism should be scrutinized so that it aids in the attraction of allies rather than the formation of adversaries. Already, there is a perception that America acts unilaterally when fighting terrorism which creates an aura of anti-Americanism which can only be detrimental in the future efforts by the country to fight terrorism. Long-term allies like Germany and France feel that America should channel its efforts on the war on terror through multila teral institutions like the United Nations. Currently, US presidents do no consultations with world leaders before taking any action. President Bush literally went into Afghanistan and Iraq amidst opposition from many quarters in the international scene. President Obama recently invaded a sovereign country, Pakistan, and conducted a raid without involving any other leadership. This can be
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Original Writing Essay Example for Free
Original Writing Essay As she lay there silently on her back, staring deeply into the intricate yet excruciatingly dull pattern on the textured ceiling- as if it were a piece of fine, overpriced artwork, she let her thought processes wander over exhausted terrain. She thought of life, of death, of love, of hate, of god and everything along the way. What was it all for? She began to scribble a few notes down on a piece of paper in front of her. Her mind began to flutter from one feeling to the next. Im reading all the time of hate and anger and frustration. Im hearing nothing but the pain of others. I see the agony of all around me. And I have felt it, breathed it, been engulfed by it. I understand the need to vent, to get it all out. But I realise now that I can no longer accept it. Blood is on the minds of millions of innocent children, searching for an answer to this emptiness that harbours our death wish. We hold, in our hand, the power to steal but nothing is taken without payment. Give and take, live and let live. No harm done, no penalty. Even the most gentle of beings get judged by the monster. This is no dragon, no giant; this is a group, a society, a network. This monster is sacrificing the happiness of the innocent for suicide. This monster is killing off what may be our last chance. Children beaten down and left to bleed and to cry, they are screaming but no one cares, no one sees them. They are irrelevant, theses children are they are the children of you and yours and people you know. They are outcasts these children are. They are banned from beliefs of any sort of rebellion or belief in other gods. But these children need no god. These children worship themselves. They are good and are portrayed as evil, yet they are shunned and thrown away. Put on display for window shoppers to point and stare and mock. These children are not different, they are not unique. The children are minions banned together to have their freedom. They are slaves to the system. Their innocence is overlooked but ignorant bystanders and administrators. These children are against everything, against god, against the devil, against you, against me. They refuse to worship the nine inch nails of your so called Christ. You will never win! The children will persevere. The children will run free. You will die someday. They will to. They know that in the end we are all alone and youve spent your lives convinced that there is always someone looking out for you and your heretic children. These children know better than you. These children know fate. They know yours and you can sense it. They can smell the fear in your shattered voice. They can smell failure. The innocent children have a blood lust and a hit list I guess this means you will die. Too bad we couldnt save you from the innocent children they killed us too. We are locked inside our minds and we are rotting here now Everything dies she thought, but she still hadnt figured out how to truly live yet. Would her life come to an end before she even knew the answers to all of her questions? It seemed meaningless. Everything seemed that way lately. Her life had become a painful cycle of the same boring events, day after everlasting day. Her friends had begun to slowly detach themselves from her, and it made her question herself. Shed been gone for so long when she moved away, and her world felt wonderful when she had returned to her home, and the people she had taken advantage of before. Theyd all seemed glad to see her, and shed never felt so important. She fell back into her circle of friends and remembered all that she had walked away from. She was happy again, and that was good. One day, it was like the world had shifted suddenly and everything changed. People stopped talking to her. They no longer came by at all odd hours of the night bearing gifts and happy drug-induced smiles. Distancing them. Maybe they all finally came to the conclusion that they hadnt been missing much after all. People tend to romanticize things to a definite fault, and when they realize theyve set themselves up for disappointment, they dont always realize that they themselves are not the only ones being affected by their great epiphany. They sometimes forget the person in the middle of it all, maybe even unintentionally, but without even thinking twice She asked herself what she possibly could have done to turn them away so suddenly. Was it just her character in general? Were some mindless beings getting rushes of power by spreading dirty lies about her as their new form of narrow-minded offence? Were they sick of her already? The fact that she found herself with so few people left to talk to wasnt what bothered her. It was the fact that she was entirely oblivious to the cause of all of this landfill that made her question herself over and over again. The more she thought about it, the wider the possibility grew that they had never really enjoyed her company in the first place; it was all a terrible charade. She hated that she could be that person that people associated themselves with for mere lack of anything at all better to do. Was she that person that they all talked about in her absence, like she had seen them do to others in times passed? Did they avoid her when they saw her in the streets? Were they all two-faced after all? Again, her reasoning began to shift. She wanted no part in any kind of comradeship with a person too shallow to tell her to go away in person. She felt, she knew she was better off by herself. Somehow she felt more at ease in her own company anymore. Shed learned a lot about people in the years prior, and it sickened her to think about what humanity has come down to, how meaningless people have become. She honestly didnt mind not having friends. Of course friends are wonderful to have, but she had found that she became more herself everyday she spent alone, and she liked that. She had come to the abrupt realization long ago that people really arent worth much anymore; definitely not worth wasting your days trying to change or analyze, or even hold a civil open conversation with, for that matter. And again, it all comes back around to the irrelevance of everything. Why had she just wasted her time thinking about these people that she doesnt even like to surround herself with anymore? Since shed returned, everything had changed so dramatically. Her friends were not the same people they had been three years ago, and they never would be again. She knew she could do nothing, and had accepted this fact, but it lingered painfully in the back of the bedlam of a mind she possessed. She wished for simpler times. She began to let her mind jump to other things. Shed tired herself of pondering anything even remotely related her connections with other people, and had come to the conclusion that she was indifferent on the matter. She really couldnt bring herself to care much anymore. If someone desired to speak with her, theyd approach her, and she would listen, but making any sort of an effort to please another person seemed ridiculous to her Meaningless. The past three hours had been meaningless, and so were the thoughts she had spent that time thinking. And now, so were the people that had provoked these very thoughts.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The first sin and its punishment
The first sin and its punishment The First Sin and Its Punishment Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, Did God say, You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? 2 The woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; 3but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die. 4 But the serpent said to the woman, You will not die; 5 for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. [1] The book of Genesis is one part in an anthology of materials that have been put together over a considerable period of time. Pertaining to be part of a diverse oral tradition, it does not, according to Burnette-Bletsch, have any singular authorship.[2] The book of Genesis is known as the primeval history, as it is believed to be expressive of a time before, there were any recorded histories. As a result, these histories were often recorded at much later stages[3] However, there are some parallels with Ancient near Eastern literature which contradict this statement. As a result, this debate will, in all probability remain sterile. Regardless of the debate, Genesis is deemed to be an historical book. However, not in the modern sense, it is history with a purpose. It is a collection of instructional, educational, and religious material. The very fact that this tradition had been passed down through the generations, may even have led to omissions of material, however, this should not be viewed by the modern academic as a setback.[4] One must also take into account the fact that many people will not all share the same viewpoint. In this respect Biblical narratives are often a complex mix of sources, genres and interpretation, both in their written and oral formats.[5] Known as mosaic authorship the traditional Jewish and Christian belief denotes that the first five books of the Old Testament were Gods inspirational words which were written down by Moses. P J Wiseman somewhat supports this theory, however, he cites Moses as the redactor rather than its author. He also states that there are several clues within Genesis which reveal how it was written. He refers to the toledots or genealogies in Genesis and draws attention to the colophons, believing them to be a specific symbol of authorship. Thus, concluding that the people that are actually named, (Adam, Noah, Shem et al), were the ones who wrote on the clay tablets in cuneiform, therefore, making them the true authors. Moses, subsequently, as a result of his Egyptian influences, just brought together and edited this work from the tablets.[6] However, more liberal theologians generally accept the Wellhausen theory, or documentary hypothesis which asserts that Genesis and the remaining Pentateuch was written by a group of authors, from diverse locations throughout Palestine, over a substantial period of time. The theory is that these books were redacted or compiled from the texts of pre-existing documents. Within this theory there is also the belief that each author wrote with their own particular style. This effectively meant that the mosaic element contained many layers of material which overlapped in some places. These writers are also believed to have had both their own styles and narratives. For example the J writer, wrote with affection for the Hebrew name for God (YAHWH). The E writer alternatively favoured the divine name Elohim. Whilst the D and P documents were names for the Deuteronomic and Priestly writers.[7] The J, E and P authors are believed to overlap in the book of Genesis, which consequently gives both c omplementary and contrasting elements to the understanding of some of Genesiss abstract concepts. However, it is with critical consensus that the J writer is believed to have edited Genesis 3:1-7.[8] In contrast Wenham cites Rendtorff, in that he has challenged the mosaic theory by stating the heterogeneous nature of material in Genesis cannot be ascribed to J.[9] Indeed, who and to what writer, wrote which parts, still remains a contentious issue within theological debates today Some scholars, such as Freidman and Bloom, have also gone so far as to suggest and imply that the J writer was also a female. Bloom especially exploits the fact that she may have been someone who had access to royalty, perhaps the daughter of Solomon, Rehoboams sister. This would fit with the general consensus that J had royal connections and wrote during the tenth century BCE. However, Bloom argues that Rehoboam (922-915) was the king at that time, not David (1000-961), or Solomon. (961-922).[10] The importance of this is that the kingdom under Rehoboam was experiencing internal unrest and rebellion. This was a stark contrast to the kingdom under the reign of David and Solomon.[11] Similarly another interesting point is made by Alicia Ostriker on Blooms feminist perspective. She compares the male characters in The Iliad, The Odyssey, and the Gilgamesh with the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. In comparison she asserts that the biblical ancestors were family men who initiated negotiation and deflected potentially dangerous situations. Whereas, the characters in the above texts were warriors and fighters, this alone may make a case for the survival of a female perspective within the overwhelmingly male dominated traits contained within the Hebrew bible.[12] The book of Genesis covers the largest time period than any of the other books. It covers the periods from creation, up to the time when the Israelites arrived in Egypt and grew into a nation. The literary structure of Genesis is built around eleven separate units. Beginning with the creation and the origins of the universe, through to the early history of the Israelites.[13] This proprietary text also gives and puts the biblical patriarchs into a creation framework. Originally written in Hebrew the title bereshit translates to in the beginning and is a translation of the Hebrew word toledot. [14] As a result Genesis is a history of origins, births, genealogies, and generations. The primary intent of Genesis one to eleven is focused around the parables. These cover the two creation stories, the Fall, Cain and Abel, The Flood and the Tower of Babel.[15] These myths centre upon deep philosophical meaning as opposed to fable or mere legend. They are also far removed from scientific theory. Indeed, the parables of Genesis with its poetic imagery and symbolism must be read, according to Richardson, as poetry and not as prose. In this context, Adam, Eve and the serpent should be viewed as poetical, religious figures, and not as real individuals.[16] Genesis 3: 1-7 has been the subject of many theories and interpretations between scholars alike. It is taken by many as an explanation of original sin. However, the word sin never occurs. Disobedience and its consequences, however, do occur. Phyllis Trible sees Genesis chapter two and three as A love story gone awry. She identifies that the plot is simple and uncomplicated. However, she also believes it to be full of uncertainty and plurality. She identifies that some may interpret Adam as superior to Eve and be both dependant and worthy, of the description troublemaker. However, Trible also notes that Adam remained silent in this text, a sign of his passive weakness perhaps.[17] Schungel-Strauman believes that no gender can claim dominance over the other, as the author of Genesis clearly provided a male and a female, evident in Genesis 1:.26-28.[18] Richardson expresses the view that the serpent within the text is a personification of temptation and should not be thought of as external to that of human nature. However, the J writer does not attempt to answer the philosophical question of where and how evil came into the world, he just tries to portray humanity. For example, the serpent may appeal to ones vanity and may suggest that Gods goodness can be emulated.[19] The serpent appears to be impersonal towards God as he refers to him as God and not Lord God. This bold rhetoric may be a direct challenge on his divinity.[20]As a result this challenge introduces a sense of unease into the text and is possibly a preamble of manipulation and trickery, is thus, imposed upon the reader. However, in contrast the serpent asked Eve an inquisitive, innocent question. Did God say, You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? This could imply that it was God himself speaking.[21] There is also the question of how did the serpent know firstly that God had spoken and secondly, what God had instructed. This could again imply that that the serpent was indeed manipulative and had an ultimate objective. A common interpretation is that the serpent is identifiable as either Satan or the devil. However, the serpent in ancient times was a symbolic figure, prominent and adored around ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Palestine. There was also an opinion that the serpent was intrinsically wise. Indeed, they often guarded the doorways of Egyptian Tombs, which symbolically, represented the mansions of heaven. They were also kept in temples and in the tombs of Kings.[22] To some, the serpent was also seen as a religious emblem, phallic in nature, it was connected to life, especially everlasting, or continuing. This would fit with the theme of both lineage and fertility of beginnings, evident within the book of Genesis. Next the focus appears to be on Eve the woman. Eve begins a dialogue with the serpent and explains both the instruction and consequence of disobeying Gods word. Eve uses the word God just as the serpent had, which possibly could indicate that she felt it was a somewhat harsh command.[23] The fact that the fruit could not be touched or eaten denotes that the action of disobedience would result in death. This could be taken literally, given the fact that both Adam and Eve had not previously touched these items. However, when the serpent answers you will not die and God knows what will happen, implies that God knew that they were going to both disobey and become enlightened in some way. Death therefore, may not have meant physical death but an ending of another sort. Your eyes will be opened, could be where crafty, the description of the serpent fits, or it could be where a bilateral view of good and evil in the world becomes evident to man. In so much as God had decreed a death sentenc e and the serpent had predicted increased knowledge.[24] However, Eve choose to ignore Gods instruction and take those of a crafty serpent, lured by his promise of liberation, freedom and knowledge, rather than the consequences of death. Yet in her ignorance, disobedience and doubt become parallel processes in so much as, when we obey God we fail to assert ourselves. This failure can then cause doubt and consequently, disobedience. Thus, when the serpent suggests that God did not forbid the eating of the fruit, it may have signified Gods divinity or his concern for humanity. Comparatively, human assertion may have highlighted the need for them to be the central figures, and not God. As a result, this rebellion may have signified human pride, which in turn led to sin, and equated to them wanting a parallel and equality with God.[25] Eve again is the central figure in Genesis 3: 6 and rather than be under the guidance of God, she possibly tries to assert her independence. One interpretation comes from Clare Amos, who believes that this verse is a metaphor for the maturity of both society and human beings. She suggests that Paul in (Rom7.7-12) also supports this theory. She further highlights the idea by explaining that the use of the adjectives, pleasing and desirable draw upon the idea of sexual maturity .Indeed, under the guidance of the serpent, a phallic symbol, the bodys senses became more obvious. When the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. Amos, attributes this as a representation of them leaving an immature state of mind and thus, conforming to the constraints of society.[26] As in non biblical primeval narratives, clothing was a mark of civilisation.[27] In conclusion, Genesis 3 is the prologue to mans salvation, resulting from man disobedience towards God, However, it should not be read literally, but in context to ones own understanding. It serves as a theoretical text for the universal question of disobedience. However, it culminates in God not destroying man, but preserving his life. This redemption consequently sets him on a path towards salvation.[28] The book of Genesis is that path as it portrays a concept of human conduct, which both illustrates and illuminates our choices. It offers both subtle guidance and regulations and deals effectively and metaphorically with the possible consequences of noncompliance. Regulation is the backbone of any society, it cannot exist effectively without some controls. As a result the book of Genesis served as an interactive narrative that highlighted these issues and that in turn united the ancient societies. [1] Coogan, Michael, D, (ed), The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha 3rd Edition NRSV, (Oxford, 2007).pp.14-15 [2] Burnette- Bletsch, Rhonda, Studying The Old Testament, (Abingdon Press, U.S, 2007).p.8 [3] Ibid, p.125 [4] Vawter, Bruce, A Path Through Genesis, (London, 1957).p.21 [5] Edward L. Greenstein, The Formation of the Biblical Narrative Corpus AJS Review, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Autumn, 1990), p.162 [6] [7] Vawter, Bruce, A Path Through Genesis, (London, 1957).p.23 [8] Speiser,E,A, The Anchor Bible Series, Genesis, (New York, 1964). p. XXVII [9] Wenham, Gordon, J, World Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, (Nelson word Pub Group, 1987). p.xxix [10] Phyllis Trible The Bible in Bloom The Iowa Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Fall, 1991), pp.21-22 [11]Hill, A, Walton J, H, A Survey Of The Old Testament 2nd Ed, (Grand Rapids Zondervan, 2000). p.157 [12] Alicia Ostriker, The Book of J The Iowa Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Fall, 1991), p.16 [13] Speiser, The Anchor Bible Series, Genesis, p. LV [14] Burnette- Bletsch, Studying The Old Testament, p.25 [15] Richardson, Genesis 1-11, p.27 [16] Ibid, p.30 [17] Trible, Phyllis, God And The Rhetoric Of Sexuality, (Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1978). p 72 [18] Brenner, Athalya, (ed), A Feminist Companion To Genesis, (Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1993).p.75 [19] Richardson, Alan, Genesis 1-11, (Torch Bible series, London, 1953).p.71 [20] Burnette- Bletsch, Studying The Old Testament, p.30 [21] Wenham, World Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, p.88 [22] W. G. Moorehead, Universality of Serpent-Worship, The Old Testament Student, Vol. 4, No. 5 (Jan., 1885), p.207 [23] Wenham, World Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, p.88 [24] Burnette- Bletsch, Studying The Old Testament, p.30 [25] Richardson, Genesis 1-11, p72 [26] Amos, Clare, The Book Of Genesis, (Peterborough, Epworth Press, 2004).p.23 [27] Coogan, Michael, D, The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, p15 [28] Richardson, Alan, Genesis 1-11, p.79
Friday, October 25, 2019
Certainty is Decartes Discourse of Method Essay -- Rene Descarte Pape
Rene Descartes' overall objective in publicizing "Discourse of Method" is to developing a new system of knowledge that is free of prior prejudices for establishing the truth of things. In Part 4 of the book he explains the philosophical basing (the meditations) for establishing the new system. These meditations were based on the epistemological theory of rationalism: that is if someone truly knows something then they could not possibly be mistaken. He goes on to provide solid argument for his ideas. In Meditations he comes to term with three certainties: the existence of the mind as the thing that thinks, the body as an extension, and God as the supreme being. He attests that he came to these conclusions by doubling all that had been taught to him in his formal education, and all he received through the senses. In the "Discourse of Method" he states his first uncertainty when he says, " I found myself embarrassed with so many doubts and errors that it seemed to me that the effort to instruct myself had no effect other than the increasing discovery of my ignorance". He has difficulty embracing the diverse, and sometimes hypocrtical, ideas that he encountered in his studies. He thought all of his confusions and indeterminate ideas were caused by the senses. Therefore, he first jettisons any information, knowledge or truths that are based on his senses. Here, he applies the "Dream Argument, " (32) where he states that based on senses alone, there is no definite way of proving that you are dreaming or that you are awake. After all, derams are indistinguishable from reality because during a dram, a person is unaware that he is dreaming. In fact, no sing... ...d, which is of an infinite being, cannot arise from a mortal, a finite being. The idea of infinite must therefore be due to the existence of an infinite, which must have placed this idea in him. Thus, proving his theory of the existence of God. From the nature of the perfection that God is, Decartes comes to conclusion that God is the ultimate causeless cause. Decartes holds that the innate idea of God that rises in the mind is sufficient proof of God's having made man in His own image. God's existence is the precondition of the existence of all other things, including the individual souls, and also of His idea in the human mind. Since there cannot be an idea of God without the existence of God. God is incorporeal, intelligence, all-knowing, good and just. He is omnipotent, eternal. He has no changes, no modes of attribute, no modifications.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Core Knowledge
Core Knowledge Using what you learned about brain development in Chapter 4, explain why intensive intervention for poverty-stricken children starting in the first 2 years has a greater long-term impact on IQ than intervention at a later age. A childââ¬â¢s brain development is very critical in its first 2 years. A childs brain develops dramatically during the first 2 years. ââ¬Å"During the first two years neural fibers synapses increase at an outstanding pace.Because of developmenting neuron requires space for these cognitive structures a surprising aspect of brain growth is that as synapses form many surrounding neurons die 20-80 percent, depending on the brain region. â⬠When a child is living in a low poverty environment it affects the childââ¬â¢s brain since the neurons are not being stimulated by their caregivers. Looking at a caregiver who does not interact with a child a young age the child will have less interaction with a person. This correlates with a childâ⬠â¢s IQ. When neurons are seldom stimulated they lose their synapses in a process called synaptic pruning.About 40 percent synapses are pruned during childhood. ââ¬Å"About half of brains volumes consist of gilal cells which are responsible for myelination. The Development through the lifespan book talks about children who are adopted have a greater chance to better nutrition and health. The book also talks about stress. Chronic stress of early deprived orphanage rearing disrupts the brains capacity to manage stress, with long-term physical and psychological consequences. Reference Berk, L. (2009) Development through the lifespan. Allyn & Bacon; 5 edition. 2009
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Guide to Doing Laundry in College
Guide to Doing Laundry in College Doing laundry in college can be a challenge - but it can also be easier than you might think. Just remember: you dont have to be psychic to do laundry correctly. But you do have to read, so just check the labels if youre not sure. Preparation Read the labels of anything unique. Have a fancy dress? Nice button-down shirt? New bathing suit? Pants or skirt made of a funky material? Anything that seems a little out of the ordinary might need extra care. A quick read of the tag instructions (usually found by the neck or waist or on the bottom inside left-side seam of shirts) can help prevent disasters. Anything needing special care or a certain water temperature should be separated from the rest.Sort out anything new. If you just bought a new, bright-red t-shirt, made tie-dye shirts with some friends, or have any other clothes that have dark (like black, blue, or brown) or bright (like bright pink or green) colors, these kinds of clothes might bleed (i.e., have their colors seep out and stain the rest of your clothes). Wash them separately on their first wash - but they should be good to join their friends for the next go-around.Separate clothes by color. Put the darks (blacks, blues, browns, jeans, dark towels, etc.) in one color and the lights in another (whites, creams, tans, pastels, etc.). Some colors, like light gray, can go in either pile, so feel free to move those around to make your loads around the same size. Washing Put one load of similarly colored clothes (e.g., darks or lights but not both) in the machine. A few rules here: dont squish them in. Dont pack them in. Just kinda throw them in so theres enough room for things to move and swim around once the machine fills with water. If you pack things in, they wont get clean and the detergent gets stuck on everything.Put in the soap. Read the instructions on the box or bottle. Dont necessarily use one full cap or one full cup; detergent companies like your money so they make it easy to put too much soap in. Put enough in for one load, which may be only half a cup. Read, read, read to find out how much you really need.Set the water temperature. A good rule of thumb to follow: Darks need cold water, lights need warm water, sheets and towels need hot water. Easy cheesy.Hit start! Drying Separate anything that cant go in the dryer. This may be something you found by reading the labels. It may also be things like bras with underwires, fancy underwear, bathing suits, or sweaters that would otherwise shrink from the heat.Put your clothes in the dryer. Take your clothes from the washer and put them in the dryer. If you want, you can add a dryer sheet; doing so will prevent static cling and make your clothes smell fantastic. Youll have to guesstimate how much time your clothes will need. If you have stuff that you dont want wrinkled, pull it out when its still a tad wet and hang it up. If you dont care, just dry it until everything is super dry and ready to go. Tips If you have nasty stains (like wine or dirt), try rubbing something on it before washing your clothes. (You can find stain-removal products near the laundry soap in any store.)If you love how clean clothes smell, consider putting a dryer sheet in each of your drawers, putting one between your towels, or hanging a few randomly in your closet.Because college laundry rooms have so many machines, consider having a night where you and your friends hang out and do something to pass the time while washing clothes. That way everyones clothes get clean and you can at least have some fun in the process.
Monday, October 21, 2019
4 Easy Steps to Creating a Bibliography in Microsoft Word
4 Easy Steps to Creating a Bibliography in Microsoft Word The assignments in front of you: Write a research paper and include a bibliography with properly cited sources. If you want to make the assignment as painless as possible, do what experienced academic writers do and go straight to Microsoft Word to build your bibliography as you write.With several options for online access to Microsoft Word, youll find that the software offers a great way to streamline the process of creating a bibliography and proper in-text citations as you begin the research process. Doing this as you write- instead of waiting for the end to put all the citations together into a bibliography, references, or works cited list- makes writing a research paper so much easier.Step 1: Choose a style from the References tabFirst choose a style from the References tab.For this first step in creating your bibliography in Microsoft Word, locate the References tab at the top of your screen. Next, look for the Citations Bibliography group under the References tab. Click the d rop-down box next to Style in the Citations Bibliography group and choose the appropriate style for your paper. The available styles are listed in alphabetical order, and likely will include some styles youve never heard of before, such as:APAChicagoGB771Gost ââ¬â Name sortGost ââ¬â Title sortHarvard ââ¬â AngliaIEEEISO 690 ââ¬â First element and dateISO 690 ââ¬â Numerical referenceMLASIST02TurabianAfter completing this step, its time to write your paper and add citations.Step 2: Insert citations in the text of your documentAt this point in the progress of your research paper, youll need to insert a citation wherever source information is needed in the text. Whether this is a direct quote or paraphrasing the writing of another, citations are required for all research.To insert a citation, click the References tab. In the Citations Bibliography section, click the Insert Citation button to add a new source.Next insert citations in the text of your document.A windo w like the one in the image above should then pop up, allowing you to enter all the source information, including type of source, author, title, year, publisher and city of publication. The fields will change based on what type of source you choose. For example, if you choose to add a source that is a journal article- one of the most common types of sources used in research- the fields will be: Author, title, journal name, year, and page numbers (since these are the details required in a citation for a journal article). However, if you choose the type of source as sound recording, the fields will include: Composer, performer, title, year, city, state, and country.This is one of the great benefits to using Microsoft Word to create your paper and accompanying bibliography. The software ensures that the unique details of each source- whether its a website, piece of artwork, or journal article- are correctly collected on the front-end in the writing process. When you reach the end of yo ur initial draft, your sources should be already included and managed, allowing you to create a bibliography at the literal touch of a button.A note on placeholdersYoull notice that when you press the Insert Citation button, youre given two choices: Add new source and add new placeholder. You should choose Add new source if you have most of the sources information. However, if you dont have very much information about the source but know that you are writing a paragraph or sentence that needs to be cited, you can choose Add new placeholder to create a placeholder citation for the text.Step 3: Manage your sourcesAfter you input all your sources for citations within your text, you will be able to manage the sources and include some (or all) in a master list. Clicking on Manage Sources within the Citations Bibliography section allows you to do this. Once clicked, this will take you to a list version of all the sources you have inputted thus far, allowing you to add them to (or subtrac t them from) a master list. It will also allow you to make any changes that are needed.Next you should manage your sources.Now from this menu, you can add, delete, and edit your sources. You will also be able to preview the sources bibliography format in the lower pane of the window that opens when you manage sources.Step 4: Add the bibliographyNow that youve completed your paper and added all sources, creating the bibliography is the easy part. Simply place your cursor where you want the bibliography to be in your paper, click on the References tab, then click Bibliography in the Citations Bibliography section. When you do this, a drop-down arrow will allow you to choose the correct title for your bibliography- either Bibliography, References, or . Once youve chosen the title, click Insert Biography and voila! Your bibliography is inserted and formatted exactly as it should be for the style youve chosen.The last step is to add the bibliography.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Get a Student Loan Step-by-Step Guide
How to Get a Student Loan Step-by-Step Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For many students, loans are vital to being able to afford an education. The cost of a college education in the US is cost-prohibitive for many families, and loans help to close the gap between what school costs and what families can actually afford. As of last year, over 40 million Americans are working to pay off student debt. Learning how to get student loans sounds daunting and burdensome, but if youââ¬â¢re smart about how and where you get your loans, taking on debt can be a manageable option. Here, Iââ¬â¢ll walk you through all the steps to getting student loans, including calculating your own need, finding loans, applying for loans, and managing repayment. First, though, I'll talk a little bit about how student loans work. How Loans Work This explanation is a bit simplified, but you should come away with a good general idea of how loans function. If you know how loans work, you'll be better able to find and apply for loans that are good fits for your needs. By definition, a loan is a sum of money that you (the borrower) is given by a person or entity (the lender) with the expectation that you'll pay it back with extra charges tacked on (the interest). When you repay student loans, you'll usually make monthly payments on the sum you borrowed (the principle) plus interest that has built up, or accrued. The bigger the principle, the higher the interest rate, and the longer you take to pay off your loan = more money that you have to pay back in interest. Details like length of repayment and interest rates will vary widely among loan options. Some loans come with extra perks (like the Direct Subsidized loan). There isn't anything particularly complicated about most loans, but some of the financial jargon can be confusing if you're new to it. If you're clear on the basics of how loans work, you can move on to the next step of getting a loan: calculating how much you need. How Much Do You Need? Before you actually apply for loans, you should have a general idea of how much funding you'll need. Follow these steps to get an estimate of how much loan money you should get to pay for college. Step 1: Determine How Much Your School Will Cost The total amount of money it costs to attend a particular school for one year is called its Cost of Attendance, or CoA. The CoA is an average (so your own unique cost might be more or less), and includes expenses like tuition, room, board, books, fees, transportation, and personal expenditures. You can check out a particular schoolââ¬â¢s CoA by Googlingââ¬Å"[school name] cost of attendance.â⬠You can get more info about college expenses and costs here. Step 2: Use Your Family's Financial Information to Determine What You Can Afford to Pay If there's a gap between your school's CoA and what your family can afford to pay,donââ¬â¢t panic! Not every school will be an affordable option for all students, federal and institutional grants and scholarships can really help fill that gap, especially for low income students. If a gap remains after grants and scholarships, you can then consider whether student loans are a good option for you. One way to "officially" calculate how much your family can afford is by using the FAFSA4caster. A major source of student aid is the federal government, and an important number that they use to calculate aid eligibility is called the Expected Family Contribution, or EFC. By using the FAFSA4caster, you can estimate your EFC, which schools will also use to award aid.You can get step-by-step instructions for calculating your EFC here. After youââ¬â¢ve completed the FAFSA4caster estimate, youââ¬â¢ll have an idea of your EFC. Additionally, youââ¬â¢ll know if youââ¬â¢re eligible for any federal grants, which will fill the gap between what you can afford and what your school costs. Finally, when you finish your estimate, youââ¬â¢ll know if youââ¬â¢re eligible for any Direct Subsidized or Direct Unsubsidized federal loans. Once you're informed about much money you may need to take out in loans, you can start searching for loans that are good fits for you and your family. Where to Get Student Loans There are so many options when it comes to student loan lenders. It would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list, but I'll outline a few great places to start. There are two main types of student loans - federal and private - and I'll discuss both. Student loan lenders are everywhere - the following tips will help you start finding your own student loans. Federal Loans Federal loans are loans backed by the federal government. Many federal loan programs are meant to assist low-income students and their families, although some don't require you to demonstrate any financial eligibility requirements to be considered eligible. Interest rates are generally competitive, and don't vary based on your or your parents' credit history. To get any federal aid, including loans, you need to meet basic federal eligibility requirements. Certain loans, like the Perkins and the Direct Subsidized, have other requirements as well. You can read more about basic federal eligibility requirements here. If youââ¬â¢re eligible for federal loans, theyââ¬â¢ll be included in schoolsââ¬â¢ financial aid packages, along with any grants and scholarships. You get to decide what parts of the financial aid package you accept, and what parts youââ¬â¢ll reject;you donââ¬â¢t have to take on any loans if you have other ways of paying for school (e.g. an outside scholarship). Other federal loans worth checking out include Direct Unsubsidized, Stafford, and PLUS loans. Private Loans Quite a few banks offer private student loans, many of which require a cosigner (e.g. an adult with a solid credit history who signs the loan with you). If your parents are clients of a particular bank, you might start by looking for student loans at that institution. Make sure to shop around, though; check with other lenders to see if they offer you better terms, including lower interest rates. If your parents havea financial adviser, it would be ideal if you could check with him or herabout good student loan terms based on your familyââ¬â¢s financial situation. How to Apply for Student Loans The loan application process and timeline will vary depending on what type of loans you plan on taking out. I'll talk generally about how to apply for both federal and private loans, although you should confirm the details with your lender, especially if you're taking out private loans; each lending institution will have its own protocols. Applying for Federal Student Loans You can apply for all federal financial aid, including student loans, by submitting one application: the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. You submit the FAFSA every year that you'd like to be considered for aid. The federal FAFSA deadline for the 2015-2016 academic year is June 30, 2016. Generally, it's wise to submit your FAFSA much earlier than the federal deadline so that you don't miss out on opportunities for funding that tends to run out (the Perkins loan, for example, usually has limited funds available). Students usually submit their FAFSAs in the early spring; you can even submit your application as early as January 1 for the upcoming academic year. To optimize your federal aid eligibility, you'll want to submit your FAFSA even before you hear back from schools if you're a first-year student - say, early spring. You'll then receive notice from schools regarding your acceptance. Schools will put together financial aid packages based on information generated from your FASFA. At that point, you would decide what parts of the financial aid package you would accept, and what parts you would reject. Applying for Private Student Loans Unlike for federal loans, there's no singular application for private student loans. You would have to submit a separate application at each institution (usually a bank) that offers a student loan you're interested in. Many private loans require a cosigner - someone who has more established credit (e.g. a parent) who signs the loan with you. This person is like your lenderââ¬â¢s loan insurance - students typically have little to no income or credit history, so if you donââ¬â¢t make payments, this cosigner is held responsible. The better your credit history or your cosignerââ¬â¢s credit history, the better the loans that are available to you. If the financial aid package provided by your school doesn't offer enough in grants, scholarships, or federal loans, you would then consider applying to private loans. How to Get Your Loan Money Once youââ¬â¢ve found a loan thatââ¬â¢s a good fit for you, youââ¬â¢ll sign a promissory note. This is a written promise that youââ¬â¢ll pay back the money you owe by a specific date (e.g. 10 years after your loan grace period ends). Federal loans will probably be disbursed, or paid out, to your school directly. The money will be applied to any charges on your school account. If thereââ¬â¢s any left over, your school will provide it to you in the form of a refund. If you don't need that refund money, itââ¬â¢s smart to just use the refund to make a payment on the loan Private student loans are also often disbursed directly to your school. Same as with federal loans, youââ¬â¢ll be awarded a refund if thereââ¬â¢s any money left over. Caveats: What to Look Out For Before you go ahead and sign that promissory note, there are a few things you should consider. Student debt can very very rarely be discharged in bankruptcy, unlike many other types of debt. If you take on student loans, youââ¬â¢re stuck with them forever. If someone cosigns on your student loans with you, theyââ¬â¢re stuck with the debt if you canââ¬â¢t afford to make your minimum monthly payments. Basically, don't take out more in loans than you're comfortable with, if you can help it. Anticipate your realistic career trajectory and earning potential for the 10 years or so after you graduate - this will help you decide whether the debt is manageable. For special types of loans, like the Perkins, consider that you may be able to arrange for loan cancellation. When it comes to student debt, it's important that you don't bite off more than you can chew. If you find that you're uncomfortable with the amount of debt that you would need to take on in order to attend a particular school, there are a few things you can do. Try researching scholarship opportunities, and bring your concerns to the school's financial aid office. If you're still uncomfortable with the loan amounts, consider whether it would be a better financial decision to attend a less expensive school. How to Pay Off Your Loans So you've taken out student loans - you won't have to worry about paying that money back until after you've graduated, right? Although that's technically true, there are steps you can take while you're still in school to reduce your total loan payment amount. If you can, make payments during school/grace/deferment, especially if interest is accruing. Youââ¬â¢ll save money in the long run. The following charts demonstrates the long-term financial outcomes of two hypothetical students - they've taken out the exact same loan, but one student makes payments on her interest while in school whereas the other doesn't. Their interest capitalizes, or is added to their principle, at graduation. Take a look: Student A Student B Principle $5,000 $5,000 Interest Rate 10% 10% Interest accrued during 4 years of school $2,000 $2,000 Interest paid during 4 years of school $2,000 $0 Balance due at graduation $5,000 $7,000 Monthly payment (for a standard 10-year repayment plan) $66.08 $92.51 Total amount paid $9,930 $,100 By paying off her interest while she was still in school, Student A saves almost $1,200 in the long run. You won't be obligated to make any payments as a student, but it doesn'thurt to throw some money at your loans every now and again if you have some to spare. Another strategy to make the repayment process a bit easier is to set up automatic payments to avoid late fees. If you're consistently making at least your minimum payments on time every month, you'll also give your credit score a boost. Speaking of payments: if you have multiple loans with different interest rates, make larger payments on your high-interest loans to pay them off first. As you might have deduced from taking a look at the chart above, the faster you kill interest, the more money you'll save in the long run. You won't always be expected to make monthly payments on your loans, however. If you go back to school and wonââ¬â¢t have an income, you can often get your loan deferred. If you lose your job, or aren't able to make payments for some other reason, you can look into other repayment plan options, like income-based or graduated repayment plans. Above all, keep your loan servicer in the loop; they'd rather reduce interest or monthly payments than not get their money back at all, so it's in their best interest to work with you if you're struggling. What's Next? Want to get a head start on those loan interest payments? You might want to think about getting a job before you leave for college - read our guide on the best jobs for teens.If you're already in college, you should check out the federal work study program for job opportunities. If you're still knee-deep in student loan research, read our guides on the Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, and Perkins loan programs. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
History of the U.S. - Iran relations Term Paper
History of the U.S. - Iran relations - Term Paper Example The diplomatic relationship between the two countries were not established till 1857, and by 1930, the two countries had minimal but cordial contact. After the Second World War, since 1953, America was the strongest ally of the Shah of Iran.It is important to understand that Iran was undergoing tremendous internal political and social changes during the late nineteenth and twentieth century. It was hitherto a stable nation resistant to change. During this time, the foreign involvement of Britain and Russia signaled radical changes in the social and political systems of Iran. It was perhaps for this reason that Iran tried to improve diplomatic relations during this period with the US because of its anti-colonizing stance and its attractive foreign policy towards Third World Countries. The establishment of the American Diplomatic Mission in 1833 was a result of the increasing missionary presence in Tehran. It also sought financial expertise from the US in 1911 and 1925. In the early 19 20ââ¬â¢s, Reza Khan overthrew the ruling Ahmad Shah and the traditional Iranian system, both. He secularized Iranian politics and attempted to lay down the foundation of modern economy and infrastructure. However, he did not have the tools to bring about this radical transformation in the social as well as political systems organically; therefore: ââ¬ËForce became the method to achieve political and economic endsââ¬â¢. (Alikhani, 2000, p.6) In spite of this, Iran prospered under the rule of the new Shah and his son, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, who ascended the throne in 1941. At that time, western Iran had fallen under the control of Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. The Soviet troops had stationed themselves after the war and refused to leave the country. However, under the pressure of the UN and the US, in 1946, it withdrew its troops. The US continued its support to the Shah under the Kennedy administration that brought about tremendous economic growth, also known as the W hite Revolution, by exporting oil from the vast petroleum reserves of Iran, which at that time were the third largest in the world. However, the Iranian people were not happy and extreme poverty, particularly in the rural areas instigated hatred for the ruler of Iran and its ally, the US. It was believed that the Shah was an American agent and the huge American army deployed in Iran was not to defend the nation from external interventions; rather it was there to protect the Shah from his own people. It paved way for the Islamic Revolution in Iran and Imam Khomeini came into power. By then, people had had developed deep hatred for America for whatever evil had happened to their country during the past 25 years. So, the seeds had been planted long before November 1979, when the Shah of Iran was overthrown and Islamic Revolution in Iran was heralded. When the radical Muslim students of Tehran seized the US embassy and took the staff hostage in 1979; that proved to be the turning point in the US-Iran relationship. While the American diplomats were made hostage for 444 days, Khomeini availed this time in reforming the system of the government, and having done all such tasks like holding the presidential and parliamentary elections in Iran, which have been otherwise impossible. On the other hand, it destroyed whatsoever diplomatic relations the two countries had, and the US imposed economical and other sanctions on Iran. The punishment of Iran by the US continues even today. Since 1981, the Swiss government assumed representation of US interests in Tehran; while the embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC handles Iranian affairs in the Iranian Interests Section. The Islamic Republic of Iran also has a permanent mission to the United Nations in New York. Description of the Current Situation Since 2002, IAEA is striving to convince Iran to abide by the Non Nuclear Proliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement in order to ensure peace in the region. However, it continues to d isregard the few agreements it has signed with IAEA. The
Friday, October 18, 2019
PUERTO RICO Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
PUERTO RICO - Research Paper Example This paper proposes a court system for the newly found Puerto Rico state. There are various weaknesses that could be acknowledged out of the current judicial systems and this is as documented by Griffin and Abbot (2006). Understanding the strengths and the weaknesses would undoubtedly go a long way in informing what should constitute a desirable judicial system. One of the strong points in Griffin and Abbot (2006) is that they develop a comparative approach to judicial systems, and this approach is advantageous because it does not only give examples of flaws in practice that should be addressed, but also some strengths that could be adopted, such as by newly established states. According to Griffin and Abbot (2006), U.S judicial system is constituted in a federal manner whereby each state within the federation has a different judicial system. Under the state court system, one is regarded innocent until proven guilty. This implies that the burden to prove oneââ¬â¢s innocence lies with the state and not the person being accused. The system is made stronger because it is the responsibility of the state to find someone guilty thus making a person optimistic about their innocence prevailing. Another aspect of this judicial process is that, a criminal is assured of a fair, quick trial as well as enjoy the privilege of being judged by jurists. This means that not a single judge can decide on oneââ¬â¢s fate as it is the case in other countries. It also implies that a person who is innocent has all the evidence evaluated prior to making the sentence. These elements are undoubtedly the strong points of judicial systems and inform any benchmark to constitute a desirable court system such as for a new established state. However, there is a limitation to this in the sense that much of the evidence may be suspended due to procedure. A cop collecting evidence must do so
THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING TO FACILITATE LEARNING FOR CPUT UNDERGRADUATE IT STUDENTS - Article Example IT lecturers in the university use social sites such as the facebook and MXit to provide students with learning materials ((Chigona and Dagada, 2011). Most students are comfortable with the social platform serving as a source of learning materials and hosting discussion forums (Dasgupta, 2010). Well managed social networking sites can support learning activities in learning institutions. In this vein, social networking sites can be applied in the learning program of CPUT. The use of social networking sites can enhance learning activities in the university. This paper aims at examining the efficacy of social networks as a learning platform for undergraduate IT students at CPUT. The IT department at CPUT places communication at the core of teaching and learning for IT students in order to develop critical soft skills (Sylvester and Greenidge, 2010). Computer-mediated teaching and learning at the institution enhances communication which facilitates the development of cognitive skills of students (Alcock, 2009). The university resolved to this form of learning due to student under preparedness, lack of student engagement in the classroom, link theory and practice, and to give students the necessary 21st century skills (Greenhow, 2009). Instructors work with students in the classroom and students can the access notes from the social sites. The young generation is more experienced in tactic knowledge sharing tools via the internet that they can apply in class work (Warschauer, 2009). Recent studies indicate that about 79.31 percent of the IT students engaged in virtual learning find the system very convenient. This is due to the fact that social sites are acces sible from different places both in the institution and at home (Knight and Rochon, 2012). Over the past years, virtual learning has gained popularity among the IT students due to its ease of use. The use of technology creates flexibility in the learning process and
Immigration law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Immigration law - Essay Example In Ameerââ¬â¢s case, an understanding must prevail between him considered as a party and the United Kingdom that is also considered as a different party. In order to coin a rational judgment, all the relevant provisions of the law have to be obeyed and it is through a critical understanding that an effective decision can be reached. Here, an effectual decision is the decision reached that fulfils all the demands of the law and manifests concern to the respect of human rights. The United Kingdom has to ascertain that the asylum seeker actually fears the persecution3. Under ordinary situations, individuals in fear of persecution must have to originate from a particular social group that is likely to be persecuted. In cases of countries such as Afghanistan, the sources of persecution might incorporate race, religion, political affiliation or nationality. Hence, the united kingdom have to ascertain the probability of the asylum seekerââ¬â¢s origin and the probability of originating from the above stipulated groups and the impending reasons being influential to the actions considered adverse to their lives4. Ameer fears for his life and that of his family and that is perceived as the primary cause of his escape to the United Kingdom. Nonetheless, his case is quite complicated afterwards since he develops a kidney condition that is of a potential harm equally. Therefore, it is imperative to understand that besides him faced by external or the national problems, he is faced by personal and health problems. However, the law provides for both conditions and it is upon the law enforcement teams to follow the law provisions to their maximum to achieve a credible solution to the situation5. Concerning the human rights, Ameerââ¬â¢s life has to be respected in his capacity as a human being that is entitled to safety and healthy welfare. The law has to regard the health condition of the asylum seeker and pursue all the activities within its docket to provide its best to aid in the situation. The United Kingdom has to establish that Ameer is unwilling or incapable of subjecting himself to the protection provided by his country, Afghanistan. The United Kingdom has also to determine in case the refugee is not associated with any nationality or is not willing to go back to his country of habitat and from which the refugee originated6. Ameerââ¬â¢s situation is relevant in two provisions of vast law contexts that is, Article 3 and article 8. Article 8 demands consideration of Ameerââ¬â¢s personality and the components surrounding him. This provision regards the applicantââ¬â¢s private life, family life home as well as that of correspondence.6 Basic interpretations of article 8 provide that concerning private life, the bodily integrity has to be upheld. The applicant should be granted all the medical opportunities he deserves; again the treatments should never be restricted. The applicant is entitled to personal autonomy and is liable to make all his decisions without any external influence unless requested. The applicant has the right to hold information and can also demand information held by an institution concerning his affairs and personality. Again the aspect of home has to be accorded the due respect to mean that Ameerââ¬â¢s current dwelling has to be recognized as his home and there is no essence in searching for him home even if it does not exist. The article 8 is relevant in this case since Ameer has developed a fatal health condition. Therefore he has to be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discussion Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Discussion - Personal Statement Example This gives a business platform for future reference. General accounting standards are the rule and concepts that govern accounting. Investors and speculators will make wrong choices, if companies make annual adjustment entries. Closing entries are made at the completion of journals, which are transferred from temporary to permanent accounts while reverse entry is the vice versa. Accounting process involves journal entries, trial balance, financial statements, and closing books. The main steps in closing cycle are closing the revenue, expense and income accounts. Accuracy involved in the above process can be improved by double checking system and by using a computerized system of accounting. Double checking will increase chances of sporting mistakes while computerized accounting enhances safety. E-activity helps users of financial information since they will be able to make correct and timely decisions. There will also be easy sharing of information. Obviously, there will be a decrease in delays caused by a manual system of operation. Closing entries in accounting accuracy entail zero balancing of temporary accounts by transferring all balances to permanent accounts. Reverse entry is the opposite of closing entry. The steps involved in the accounting process in financial accuracy are repeating the same process of accounting
Environmental factors of substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental factors of substance abuse - Essay Example But, unfortunately, this relief in pain is only temporary and in the long run the habit deepens the sense of suffering and pain than ever before. In this context, all individuals who were brought up in dysfunctional family environments are susceptible to addiction. Hence, the first environmental factor is the dysfunctional family of the person. In the case of Ellis, we learn that his father use to return home drunk and beat up Ellisââ¬â¢ mom or sometimes Ellis himself. This is a telling sign of chaos in the family and this is a significant environmental factor that leads to Ellisââ¬â¢s addiction to Heroin. The fact that Ellis started experimenting with alcohol and marijuana even before reaching his teens is a strong indicator that he will have problems in his adult life. And sure enough, a couple of years after the death of his father, his old habits had come to haunt him, this time in the form of heroin addiction. It is a recurrent pattern with most heroin addicts that they seek out drugs very early in life. Recent research suggests that alongside environmental factors, genetic factors also have a role to play. But the consensus among researchers is that social and environmental factors are more important than genetic factors in determining the vulnerability of an individual to succumb to substance addiction. Researchers also concur on the view that those with genetic predisposition to drug abuse and growing up in a dysfunctional family environment run a very high risk of addiction. It was also found that people living in violent and lawless neighborhoods have a greater chance of heroin addiction. This implicitly means that the socio-economic status is a strong environmental factor in assessing risk for heroin abuse. The therapeutic approaches to treating heroin addiction have proven quite successful. Since the addicts developed their addiction as a result of flawed conceptions of guilt, reward and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Immigration law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Immigration law - Essay Example In Ameerââ¬â¢s case, an understanding must prevail between him considered as a party and the United Kingdom that is also considered as a different party. In order to coin a rational judgment, all the relevant provisions of the law have to be obeyed and it is through a critical understanding that an effective decision can be reached. Here, an effectual decision is the decision reached that fulfils all the demands of the law and manifests concern to the respect of human rights. The United Kingdom has to ascertain that the asylum seeker actually fears the persecution3. Under ordinary situations, individuals in fear of persecution must have to originate from a particular social group that is likely to be persecuted. In cases of countries such as Afghanistan, the sources of persecution might incorporate race, religion, political affiliation or nationality. Hence, the united kingdom have to ascertain the probability of the asylum seekerââ¬â¢s origin and the probability of originating from the above stipulated groups and the impending reasons being influential to the actions considered adverse to their lives4. Ameer fears for his life and that of his family and that is perceived as the primary cause of his escape to the United Kingdom. Nonetheless, his case is quite complicated afterwards since he develops a kidney condition that is of a potential harm equally. Therefore, it is imperative to understand that besides him faced by external or the national problems, he is faced by personal and health problems. However, the law provides for both conditions and it is upon the law enforcement teams to follow the law provisions to their maximum to achieve a credible solution to the situation5. Concerning the human rights, Ameerââ¬â¢s life has to be respected in his capacity as a human being that is entitled to safety and healthy welfare. The law has to regard the health condition of the asylum seeker and pursue all the activities within its docket to provide its best to aid in the situation. The United Kingdom has to establish that Ameer is unwilling or incapable of subjecting himself to the protection provided by his country, Afghanistan. The United Kingdom has also to determine in case the refugee is not associated with any nationality or is not willing to go back to his country of habitat and from which the refugee originated6. Ameerââ¬â¢s situation is relevant in two provisions of vast law contexts that is, Article 3 and article 8. Article 8 demands consideration of Ameerââ¬â¢s personality and the components surrounding him. This provision regards the applicantââ¬â¢s private life, family life home as well as that of correspondence.6 Basic interpretations of article 8 provide that concerning private life, the bodily integrity has to be upheld. The applicant should be granted all the medical opportunities he deserves; again the treatments should never be restricted. The applicant is entitled to personal autonomy and is liable to make all his decisions without any external influence unless requested. The applicant has the right to hold information and can also demand information held by an institution concerning his affairs and personality. Again the aspect of home has to be accorded the due respect to mean that Ameerââ¬â¢s current dwelling has to be recognized as his home and there is no essence in searching for him home even if it does not exist. The article 8 is relevant in this case since Ameer has developed a fatal health condition. Therefore he has to be
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Environmental factors of substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental factors of substance abuse - Essay Example But, unfortunately, this relief in pain is only temporary and in the long run the habit deepens the sense of suffering and pain than ever before. In this context, all individuals who were brought up in dysfunctional family environments are susceptible to addiction. Hence, the first environmental factor is the dysfunctional family of the person. In the case of Ellis, we learn that his father use to return home drunk and beat up Ellisââ¬â¢ mom or sometimes Ellis himself. This is a telling sign of chaos in the family and this is a significant environmental factor that leads to Ellisââ¬â¢s addiction to Heroin. The fact that Ellis started experimenting with alcohol and marijuana even before reaching his teens is a strong indicator that he will have problems in his adult life. And sure enough, a couple of years after the death of his father, his old habits had come to haunt him, this time in the form of heroin addiction. It is a recurrent pattern with most heroin addicts that they seek out drugs very early in life. Recent research suggests that alongside environmental factors, genetic factors also have a role to play. But the consensus among researchers is that social and environmental factors are more important than genetic factors in determining the vulnerability of an individual to succumb to substance addiction. Researchers also concur on the view that those with genetic predisposition to drug abuse and growing up in a dysfunctional family environment run a very high risk of addiction. It was also found that people living in violent and lawless neighborhoods have a greater chance of heroin addiction. This implicitly means that the socio-economic status is a strong environmental factor in assessing risk for heroin abuse. The therapeutic approaches to treating heroin addiction have proven quite successful. Since the addicts developed their addiction as a result of flawed conceptions of guilt, reward and
Sections of the Library Essay Example for Free
Sections of the Library Essay 1. Acquisition Section The objectives of the Acquisition are Selection , Ordering and Accessioning of books in Accession Registers. The library procures those books which are recommended by the teachers / Scientists of the university. Further Chief Librarian also takes initiative in selecting books of general nature and text books. The list of recommended books is placed before the Primary Purchase Committee (PPC) exclusively for selection of books and periodicals. Orders are placed when the PPC approves the list of books and journals. 2. Processing Section Processing Section undertakes two vital functions, viz. , (a) Classification and (b) Cataloguing (a) Classificaton Class numbers are given to the books according to the Dewey decimal Classification Scheme (DDC). (b) Cataloguing Books are catalogued according to Anglo American Cataloguing Rules -II (AACR-II) . For each book three entries are prepared. 3. Circulation Section The function of the circulation section centers round issue and return of the books. The lending period without fine is one month. The over due fine rupee one per day is charged on every book issued beyond the lending period. 4. Current Periodical Section Current Periodical Section is located at the ground floor. In this section , journals which are subscribed to the library for the current year are displayed. 5. Reference Section -Reference books are not issued , but readers may consult it within the premises of the Library. The reference books are shelved in three different Halls. Reading Hall I : For current information. Reading Hall II: For books on Agriculture and allied subjects. Reading Hall III: For books on Home Science 6. Text Book Bank Section There is a separate Text Book Bank ( TBB ) Secton in the Library. Books from TBB are issued for one semester against a nominal charge of Rupees 2 ( two) for each book. 7. Reprography Section The facility to photostat is also available in the library against a nominal charge of 75 paise per document. 8. Exhibition-cum-Conference Section In this section collection of books / documents of a few eminent scientists are available . Informations regarding different courses inside and outside the country are also found here . 9. Stack Areas The library is proud of having large stack areas. Side by side, the facility for reading is also available in this stack room 10. Back Volume Section A large number of bound old journals are available in the Back Volume section. These journals areà arranged alphabetically by title. 11. Computer Unit Computer unit is the latest addition . Preparations are about to develop this section. SectionAbout The Stacksââ¬â The Dewey Decimal System (000. 00 ABC)The stacks are generally considered the NON-FICTION section of the library. Here, books are classified and arranged by number in the Dewey Decimal System. The general categories for Dewey are below: 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Language 500 Natural sciences mathematics 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 700 The arts 800 Literature rhetoric 900 Geography historyà This is not a section students ââ¬Å"browseâ⬠ââ¬âit is difficult to locate a book if you donââ¬â¢t know its number! Referenceââ¬âREF The second Dewey sectionââ¬âusually not for general checkout. Oversizedââ¬âOvzThis is the third Dewey section, where books that are too large for the shelves in the stacks are located. In-house readers usually know that the Guinness Book of World Records is on the first shelf of this section. Biographyââ¬âB 92The biography section is placed just before fiction. Here, you find books on a specific person, organized alphabetically by last name. Short Storiesââ¬âSCLocated between Biography and Fiction is the Short Story Collection. Books that are only made up of short works are located here. Fictionââ¬âFThe fiction section is alphabetized by authorââ¬â¢s last name. Books by each author are then organized by title. Graphic Novelââ¬âGrNvlThis collection is the ââ¬Å"Not for Checkoutâ⬠collection. We try to keep a variety of comics, manga, and special graphics for your in-house use. If youââ¬â¢ve never read something like this, ask a librarian for suggestions! Different materials used in the library 1. magazines 2. newspapers 3. reference books 4. encyclopedia 5. dictionaries 6. books films 7. computer terminals 8. audio-visual equipment circulation books.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Status Of English In Pakistan English Language Essay
The Status Of English In Pakistan English Language Essay It is a fact that English is known as lingua franca all over the world. Most of the People communicate in English all over the world. Through this process, it is a natural phenomenon that many words of the local languages become part of the variety of English that is spoken in a specific region. This research aims at finding Urdu and other local words that have become part of the English language spoken in Pakistani culture. It is a study of Urdu and other local words that have become the part of English in everyday communication. For this study we have selected the language of newspaper as it represents the language in use. English daily the Dawn and the news were selected for this purpose as they are the most recognized and reliable newspaper in Pakistan. The paper elucidates that there are a large number of local words which are part of English due to many factors. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Newspapers have become the necessity of modern man. Most of the people start their day by reading the newspaper they cannot make up their morning without newspaper. This is the reason that newspapers have got their way all over the world. They are available in every language all over the world that even a common man can get benefit of them. Newspapers reveal and expose that what is happening around you and keep us in contact with the society. Usually, they reflect all the fields of life whether they are general, public, local, social, political, cultural etc. English newspaper is a major source of language learning for English language learners. By reading newspaper they can improve their skill of reading. But it never means that they have to read the newspaper thoroughly,à they can usually find out their interested topics and scan it if it is interestedà they read it thoroughly. When they read the newspaper on daily basis and may absorb a lot of information and have a good storage of vocabulary. Newspaper is a great tool for language teachers to demonstrate the skills of reading and writing and it also helps to form the structure of English. By reading the newspaper the student will be able to comprehend the concepts of grammar and its application. It is the beneficial for the learners to learn English inside or outside the classroom. By using the newspaper the students may also update their current knowledge with learning English. It is a common analysis in Pakistan that when we observe the content of English newspaper we usually find such words that are emerged from English into Urdu or other local languages due to culture association and bilingualism. One must have command on English language to describe the ideas in an effective way because the news profession is associated with proper usage of words and phrases. English plays a vital role in every field of life, it is necessary for news editors and reporters of Pakistan to play an effective role in news editing. This research is an analysis of language conversion in Pakistani English newspaper due culture association or bilingualism. Based on the data gathered from Pakistani English newspaper, this research shows the English words that have been converted into Urdu or other local languages of Pakistan. This research demonstrates how the English language is used in anon-native context. This also indicates that that different verities and changing are associated with bilingualism and multilingualism. This research aims to show the different verities of English due to language conversion in Pakistan and indicates the vital role of Urdu and other local languages to form the Pakistani English. We have discussed those specific features that have been occurred as a result of conversion. We have analyzed the data which is concerned with Urdu words and phrases. This research describes the various causes due to which language changes occur in Pakistani context. English is a global language that a unique status all over the world. It is the language of millions of people around the world. It is an observation that the amount of non-native speakers of English is more than the native speakers. English is an international language and it used widely all over the world because the trend of speaking English is increasing day by day and the people have started using English in their daily conversation. When they use it in a non-native context it expands as a replaced and reoriented language. English has acquired a dominant position in Pakistan. It is not only useful for being professional but it is considered the sign of victory, authority, and social supremacy. This kind of authority is clearly seen in Pakistan and the people swap from their local languages to English to be dominant member of the society. On the other hand, Urdu is also considered an official language as English. It is the language of literacy in Pakistan. The educated people of Pakistan consider it an ordinary thing to use Urdu feature into English. When two or more languages exchange or get in touch with each other it causes conversion. English has its own social and cultural status that is distinguished from the other languages at the word and phrase level. It is natural phenomenon that when English language gets in touch with Urdu it borrows a lot of words from Urdu and other local languages. A large amount of Urdu and other loan words have been entered in Pakistani English. They may at word, phrase or clause level. This research is to see through the conversion data in Pakistani English newspapers. The data has been collected from the following printed Pakistani English newspaper and magazines: 1. Dawn (daily) (Lahore) 2. The news Statement of the Problem: This research is based on the analysis of English newspaper and to check the frequency of words occurred in Urdu or other local languages. Objective of the Study: This study aims to find out the words of other Pakistani languages that have been occurred in English newspaper, in Daily Dawn and The news. To compare the common words occurred in both newspapers. Significance of Study: This study of newspaper provides us a thorough survey to what extent the Urdu words have been used in English newspapers. This is a beneficial research for language improvement of policy makers, teachers, students and assessment institutions. Limitation: We have studied thoroughly the reasonable amount of English newspaper Dawn Daily Lahore and The News. We have classified the section of newspaper. On the basis of this classification we have checked the frequency of the Urdu words occurred in English. Delimitation: We have studied ten newspapers of both Daily Dawn and The News on daily basis due to the time cost constraints and because they are the oldest source of information. Design of Study: This study is qualitative in nature. It is based on the Meta analysis of newspaper. The use of this method is appropriate with the purpose of this study. Research is conducted while using qualitative approach. Because the result of the data analyze is in the descriptive phenomenon such as words and sentences. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW What is language? When we discuss about what is language? It can be defined in different aspects. A language may be related to a specific field. Language can be a dominant position than all than language because its a natural language. According to Adebeyo (1995) Language is one of the major source through which the people organize their thoughts and expresses the feelings. It means that its only human language by which a man can arrange or express his thoughts in a better way. This supports the different senses of language. If the language will not be there no one will be able to express his thoughts and share his experiences with others. As a result people will not able to learn from them. Communication is a great tool that links the people of the world and makes the world a global village. These are some evidence that proves that communication is the most important factor of the society. It is proved by media, internet among others. Ormrod (1995) suggests that language may be described as a basic form of communication. According to behaviorist, language is learned through behavior like thinking, acting and feelings. Origin of language The interesting facts of living and human evolution are discussed in the origin of language. If we talk about written language it leaves some traces but spoken language has no traces. At the beginning, different system of verbal language emerged from non-linguistic and proto-linguistic source of communication. Before 4 million years human beings and chimpanzees had common ancestor. So, since the last centuries human beings have not found any signs how actually language developed because verbal communication leaves no trace. All human beings are born with the same linguistic ability, and no one has a biological ability to adapt a specific language. Any child learns the language from his social surroundings, if a child is left in a non-native context he will not be able to learn his native language and adapt the language of the society in which he is living. From this we can say that language is not an inborn ability. It is learned by the family, people living around you. Language is the only factor that discriminates the human beings from the animal. Changing in languages If we talk about language changing varieties of languages are spoken all over the world. In this part of study we will focus that when language gets in touch with other language it causes language change. When the speakers of a language use varieties of languages in a situation the language comes in contact. Traditionally language changes due to contact have been described into three categories. Borrowing Code-Switching Bilingualism Borrowing Thomason and Kaufman (1988:37) describes that borrowing is the involvement of the characteristics of other language into the native language of a speaker. The language of native speaker does not change but the change occurs due to adding incorporated characteristics. Coetsems (1988) defines the borrowing as when the language speaker is using the language in any other context, it incorporates the features of other languages. If Urdu speaker is speaking English language the transfer of the English language into Urdu is called borrowings. According to Bloomfield (1933), who was the first who attempted this study and classified the lexical borrowing into dialect borrowing and cultural borrowing. Dialect borrowing is where the borrowings are from the same speech and cultural borrowing is where the borrowings are from different languages. (Bloomfield 1933: 444). In cultural borrowing the words from the other cultures are borrowed. The word spaghetti is an Italian word which is used in the culture of language from where it is borrowed. Certainly, it is an essential phenomenon especially when we talk about the effect of different languages on English. Researchers are in the view that borrowing is a different phenomenon than the other language contacts such as emergence, code-Switching, and transfer. Poplack and associates (Poplack 1980; and Meechan 1995) are in the opinion that the phenomenon of code-switching and borrowing vary from each other. Code-Switching Code-Switching is a crucial consequence of bilingual or multilingual speaker. A person who is bilingual or multilingual selects the language according to his/her context. The language that is selected by the speaker must be comprehensible for the addressee and the participant must understand it. (Hudson 1996). In communities where the people speak more than one language, they use different languages in different situations. The language is selected according to the rules of society in which he/she is living. Languages are varied according to situation. There is the difference between the language used in home and the language that is used in other places for various purposes. Switching refers overlapping between two or more than two languages. It switching is the interchanging between two languages or more than two languages. According to Di pietro in (Francois, 1982:145) code-switching is when the communicants communicate in more than one language in the implementation of speech act. Valdes Falhis in (Francois, 1982:145) refers that the code-switching is the interchanging of more than one language. Another definition that is proposed by Scotton and Ury says that the use of different linguistic varieties of two or more languages in the same context or conversation is called code-switching. But according to Weinreich (1953) definition, the people exchange a language to other because they want to change the situation of speech. When we observed the above definitions, it is very obvious that nobody can define the code-switching terminology. We have found divergence among the sociologists and linguists because the writers admit that there is uncertainty in this term. Types of Code-switching Code-Switching have been classifying by the scholars in diverse types. They have given different names to these types after observing the various cases. Poplack in (Romaine, 1989) illustrates these types as: Tag-switching, inter-sentential and intra-sentential. Tag switching: Tag switching means to connect one language into the other language and to switch a mark of a language into the other language. It can be at word or phrase level or both. Inter-Sentential switching: Its means the occurrence of switching outside the boundaries at clause or sentence level. This type of switching can also take place between the conversations of the speakers (Romaine, 1989; Myer-Scotton, 1993; Hoffman, 1991). Intra-Sentential switching: This type of code switching includes the various types of switching that take place within the phrase, sentence or clause. There are different styles of the language so we can not say that code-switching only occurs in the speaking of bilinguals. It can also occur among the monolinguals because of the styles of the language. Bilingualism Bilingualism refers to a person who can speak two different languages. In defining the term of bilingualism we have found the disagreement among linguists. Some linguists emphasizes that a person who is bilingual must have the command on two different languages. He should be fluent and accurate as native speaker in both languages. A bilingual person has a feature to develop the knowledge of second language and the ability to speak it. Types of Bilingualism Here are discussed three major types of bilinguals. Monocultural-Co-ordinate Bilingual: This type of bilingual learns the other language or second language to fulfill his requirements and to access the information related to his needs, to research the academic subject matter. He becomes bilingual but not bi-culture because he develops his language within a culture. Bicultural-Co-ordinate Bilingual: A bilingual person learns the second language within the speech community of second language for many reasons such as studied literature of their culture, history and tourism purposes. Bicultural-compound Bilingual: this type of bilingual learns two cultures and two languages. One at home and the other of the society in which he is living. The only way to tackle with these various definitions is to know that bilingualism is an individual feature and one can learn more than one language if he is competent enough, he can get the complete mastery of two languages. Pidgins Pidgins are one of the major aspects of language change. Pidgin Languages Pidgins languages developed from the distinguish language varieties. They are created by the efforts of different people who speak varieties of languages. We can not say that pidgin is the native language of some person. It is learned when people get in touch with the people who speak their language in their own context. The people who do not have the common language to exchange their ideas, pidgins develop as a source of communication between them. Holmes (2001) states that when two groups having different languages communicate with each other in such situation where a third language has position, this may called pidgins. When the people from various language contexts come in contact with each other pidgins languages are needed for their survival. For the slaves, the only way to communicate with their masters and with one another was pidgin that was their masters language. Cultural Impact on Language Language changes with the time and there are a lot of features that causes that change. As a person grows a lot of factors like family, region and culture can influence the language development of a person. A culture can introduce different words which gradually become part of the language. Human beings can express thoughts and communicate with each other through language. Simply the word that is uttered by a person carrying some meaning is known as language, whereas, the culture may be referred to the activities and doings of people. Every culture has its own identity. Culture includes religion, dress, art, games, music, rituals and law. Language policy, multilingualism and language vitality in Pakistan Pakistan is a country with multilingual speaker. Urdu is its national language and it is the mother tongue of almost 7.57 percent people of Pakistan, although it is used at a wide range in the urban areas of Pakistan. English is still official language of Pakistan as it was when British ruled in the subcontinent. There are some other major languages of Pakistan that are: Pakistani languages Languages Percentage of speakers Punjabi 44.15 Pashto 15.42 Sindhi 14.10 Siraiki 10.53 Urdu 7.57 Balochi 3.57 Other 4.66 Source: Census 2001: 107 English is the official language of Pakistan. It is government law, military language, language of business contracts, signs of shops, many street signs and other enterprises use English. It is the language of the courts also. In most of Pakistani schools, medium of instruction is English and it is taught to all Pakistani students at school level, while at university and college level medium of instruction is English. English is boasted by the media and press of Pakistan at large scale. All the major newspapers of Pakistan are published in English. A major news channel of Pakistan is Dawn news. Status of English in Pakistan English language performs various functions in Pakistan. English is Politics language. It is the medium of instruction in Pakistani schools and colleges. It is the source of education for the people because all scientific theories are in English. English is the language of press and media. It is the lingua franca. This indicates if someone has not the knowledge of English language, it is impossible for him to get a high status in society. Most of the people in Pakistan speak English just to communicate. They dont know the standard version of English. There are some people who are given the duty to use standard version of English. Some people say that English is not their mother language even then they can understand and speak the language. Some people in Pakistan like language teachers, policy makers, broad casters, and other institutions try to follow the standard version of language but some people just goof by the communication is affected in a bad way. Non-native Varieties of English According to Kachru (1978) who was the first introduced the nativized English variety in South Asia and he calls it English of South Asian people. In Kachrus point of view South Asia English is another linguistic phenomenon that helps in the identity of culture. He states that nativization should be considered the result of innovative trend in linguistics. These innovations are determined through the localized form of second language. After this development the new and non-native varieties of English were gradually recognized like Indian English, Sri Lankan English, Singaporean English, Nigerian English and Pakistani English. New varieties of English are termed as there are many recognizable varieties of written and spoken by a large number of people. No new variety of language is developed in isolation but it is dependant on the peoples communication needs who speak and write it. This kind of variety is known as interference variety because there is interference of culture and langu age in the culture and first language of the user. Several changes occur when the people of a language use it in various cultural situation or social context. When the non-native speakers use second language, they develops totally new version of expressions according to the communication requirements. If the bilingual person is the user of non-native variety then the different kinds switching transcription of codes, mixing and alteration are manifested in creativity. When two or more languages get in touch with another it causes the innovation. One of the major means of creativity in language is bilingualism (Talaat, 2003). The non-native verities are widely spread and have stable position that they are regarded as native like English. (Quirk, 1983:8). Bilingual Creativity in Pakistani English Newspaper The stylistics innovation and experimentation has found its pinnacle in literature and journalism. English writing tradition is old before the partition. But in present decades writing is a recognized at a national level. A national award is awarded by a national academy of letters for literature and journalists every year. English press has a large influence the sub-continent, the reason is that the educated class which is involved in the policy making reads and utilize it. One can find at least a recognized English newspaper in an average-sized city. English has become a medium of communication and to convey the message for many years but the cultural aspects are not conveyed in English language. This term is adopted by the news reporter to report the news items. These trends are used for various purposes like irony, cultural meaning and satire. Urdu symbols and metaphors are used regularly and frequently in Pakistani English. These kinds of symbols and metaphors represent the localized behaviours and attitudes and Pakistan social traditions. It is necessary the reader/listener to be familiar with the situation and cultural background to understand the metaphor and the meaning carried by speaker/listener. According to Littlemore (2001) the metaphors are inferred through the knowledge that is shared to a culture because these metaphors are culturally associated. Rationale of the Study This study shows that there is a lot of Urdu and other local words are used in English newspapers. This kind of conversion is introducing a new variety of English in Pakistan and even the vocabulary is changing. The major cause of this changing in vocabulary is the switching of English with local languages of Pakistan. An intensive and detailed study of newspapers indicates that in Pakistani English columns especially in news section localized words are found to a great extent. The comparison of the News and The Dawn shows the difference between the local and standard variety of English. This research indicates that the emerging trends in English newspaper have a great influence on Pakistani English at words and phrase level. This research shows the varieties of English when it is used by non-native speakers of English. Newspaper is a great source of language learning for students but if the language will not be comprehensible they may get confused and will not be able to learn langu age properly. So the language of newspaper must be clear and free from slang expressions that are used by Pakistani press. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURE Research Method Population Population in this research was all newspapers daily, weekly, monthly, annually. This defined population is pretty suitable for this research as it is designed to seek the effects of local languages on English Newspapers. Sampling Sampling is a process of drawing representative elements forms the larger population or universe is called sampling. Obvious advantages of sampling are especially saving in time and money. Steps taken for sampling: Identification of the problem Determination of required sample size Required sample size Selection of sample We have randomly selected two newspapers The Dawn from May 31, 2012 to June 9, 2012 and The News from May 12, 2012 to May 21, 2012. Data Collection Pakistani English daily Dawn and The News was selected for the research. Founded in 1941 by the Quaid-e-Azam, Dawn News and The News are Pakistans oldest and most widely read English-language newspaper. The Dawn Group of newspapers is Pakistans second largest media group. The newspapers for the ten days were selected for the analysis. The borrowed words were isolated from the paper and their frequency of use was also recorded. The words then were tabulated according to their frequency of occurrence. Data was collected using a corpus of twenty English newspapers. The newspapers were scanned carefully and all Urdu and local language items were taken out. Data Analysis Data of this research was analyzed by using simple percentage and comparing the words of both newspapers The News and Dawn. At first the frequency of the words taken from the newspapers was compared and checked in parts then the highlighted items from all the newspapers were compared at the end. CHAPTER 4 ANALYSES OF THE DATA This chapter presents an analysis of the data that is gathered from English newspapers. In this chapter the result of reading ten newspapers are discussed i.e. The News and The Dawn. For this purpose, the findings are clearly presented in tables. These findings are also divided into different sections and frequency of the findings is also mentioned. Table 4.1 Content Analysis of The News May 12, 2012 and Dawn May 31, 2012 News Section the News fREQUENCY dawn fREQUENCY Bandwagon Tolas Kanals Marla Pehlwan Madrassa Bazaar Ghee Shriat Kilos Lashkar Hajj 1 7 2 1 1 1 4 15 1 1 1 1 Jo muhajir suby ka ghaddar hai wo maut ka haqdar hai. Sipah-i-Sahaba Shalwar Seth Sahib Qaumi Aman Jirga Sasti Roti Ashiana Haj Patwaris Fard Malkiat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Sports Section the news frequency dawn frequency Subh-e-Nau 1 In this table, the most frequently used word is ghee and after it tolas is used. The words in the table have their equivalents in English language like shariat is the Arabic translation of Islamic decree and haj has its equivalent in English. All the words like pehlwan lashkar jirga have their translation in English but they are used in local languages in the newspaper due to culture association. In the table above The news has more words as compare to Dawn. Table 4.2 Content Analysis of The News May 13, 2012 and Dawn June 1, 2012. News Section THE NEWS FREQUENCY DAWN FREQUENCY Jiyalas Posh Area Hudood Zina Kuch khas Tazir Hiraba Jungle Kanal Tamgh-i-shujat Dahi baras Shalwar kameez 2 1 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Qaumparasti Shalwar Qameez Muttahida Mahaz Zila Fatwa Ulema Naqis-ul-iman Alim Sajda Naqis-ul aqal Pakora Wagon Bharpoor Patwaris Darul Amman Panchayat Jirga 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 Showbiz Section THE NEWS FREQUENCY DAWN FREQUENCY Awami suit Yahan log sirf dou wajah sy nahin rokta bara gaari aur bara darhi Ajrak Boy girl scene he nahin khatam hota No bank ki naukri, No denting painting ka kam Walayati Naughty toh hamari Veena Malik ya Nargis lagti hain. Aurat doshmany namanzoor Janubi Punjab Tabla 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 In this table the most frequent word is hudood. This word is translated as limitation in English language but that is used in the newspaper as an Islamic term that relates to the culture of Pakistan. In the table above The News has more words than Dawn. Table 4.3 Content Analysis of The News May 14, 2012 and Dawn June 2, 2012 News Section THE NEWS FREQUENCY DAWN FREQUENCY Nazim Maulana Musalmanon ky zawal sy dunya ko kia nuqsan pohncha Daku Raj Lakh Mandi Baboos Kanal Sardar Mela Ulema-e-islam Qabristan Shaheeds Insaf ho to aisa ho wah wah Pakistani qanoon zindabaad Patwaris Thanedar Jihadist Nazim-e-aala Madrassa Nazim Peshawar sadar tehrik ke ainay mein and baghaat-e Peshawar Roti kapra aur makan Masala Darbar Mufti Yaar Dosti Sardar Burqas 3 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 <
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